Ena HRi Universal Dentin

Categories: , Brand: Micerium
Product attributes
  • Country of Origin: Italy
  • Shade: UD0 (B0), UD0.5 (B1), UD1 (A1), UD2 (A2), UD3 (A3), UD4 (A4), UD5 (A5), UD6 (A6)
  • Weight: 5g
Biodent Guaranty
In Biodent Stock
Available in stock
  • Posted by Biodent Medical
  • Posted by Biodent Medical
    This product will be supplied and ready for processing after the time specified by the seller in Biodent Medical warehouse and will be sent by Biodent Medical courier in the selected period.

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Fluorescent dentin shades are designed to build up dentin mass for all restorations. The shades are graded in chroma, ranging from 0 (lightest) through 6 (darkest). Larger restorations benefit esthetically from a progressive build up from darker to lighter shades (using 1, 2 or 3 dentin shades per restoration).

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Country of Origin



UD0 (B0), UD0.5 (B1), UD1 (A1), UD2 (A2), UD3 (A3), UD4 (A4), UD5 (A5), UD6 (A6)




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