Dental Composite Brushes

Categories: , Brand: Cosmedent
Product attributes
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Size: #1, #3

Our popular dental composite brushes for composite restorations come in 3 useful sizes. Perfect for the application of opaquers and tints.

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  • Posted by Biodent Medical
  • Posted by Biodent Medical
    This product will be supplied and ready for processing after the time specified by the seller in Biodent Medical warehouse and will be sent by Biodent Medical courier in the selected period.

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Product Overview

Our popular applicator brushes for dental brushes applications come in 3 useful sizes. They are excellent for the application of opaques and tints, bonding adhesive, silanating agents and for cement removal prior to polymerization. Use the fine brush (#1) for fine detailing, and (#2) and (#3) brushes for the rest of your restorative dental needs.


  • Composite silicone brushes facilitate a variety of dental resin applications
  • Synthetic bristles make application easy

Indications for Use

  • Use the fine #1 brush for fine detailing and application of tints and opaques
  • Use the #2 and #3 brushes to apply bonding and silanating agents and for cement removal prior to polymerization.

Cleaning your composite brush

Chairside use alcohol dampened gauze to clean the composite brushes between materials.
In the lab/sterilization area:

  • Soak the bristles in Brush Cleaner for a few minutes then wipe clean with gauze.
  • Soak in cold sterilization fluid, follow the directions according to manufacturer.
  • Dry dental composite brushes and store for next patient.

Additional information

Country of Origin



#1, #3


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