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Resin Keeper
Our convenient organizer for all light-curable materials also helps prevent pre-polymerization.
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- Posted by Biodent Medical
- Posted by Biodent MedicalThis product will be supplied and ready for processing after the time specified by the seller in Biodent Medical warehouse and will be sent by Biodent Medical courier in the selected period.
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Product Overview
This convenient work surface helps you organize your light-curable materials before your restoration. Fully reversible, our ResinKeeper is a contact box featuring a light-tight cover to avoid premature polymerization. It has a non-stick reversible work surface with eight mixing wells per side. The working surface is autoclavable and cleans easily with an alcohol wipe.
- A great work surface organizer for your light-cured materials
- Avoids premature polymerization of composite materials
- Non-stick reversible work surface
- Autoclavable and easily cleaned with an alcohol wipe
Indications for Use
- A work surface for all light-cured materials
- A light-tight cover will permit storage of materials without premature polymerization
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