
Product attributes
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Grit: Coarse/Medium, Fine/Superfine


Interproximal Finishing and Polishing Strips.

Biodent Guaranty
In Biodent Stock
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  • Posted by Biodent Medical
  • Posted by Biodent Medical
    This product will be supplied and ready for processing after the time specified by the seller in Biodent Medical warehouse and will be sent by Biodent Medical courier in the selected period.

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Product Overview

FlexiStrips will help you put a high polish on interproximal areas while decreasing the tenacity of interproximal stains. FlexiStrips come in both regular and narrow widths to give dentists greater flexibility in interproximal finishing and polishing. The wide strip is excellent for the incisal 2/3 of the interproximal, whereas the narrow strip can be used to polish the gingival aspects of the interproximal without damaging the tissue.


  • Removes interproximal stains
  • The only brand with dual grits in both widths
  • Ultra thin and easy-to-use
  • Abrasive does not strip off when pulled through the interproximal contact
  • Aluminum oxide

Indications for Use

  • Use the wide strip for the incisal 2/3 of the interproximal
  • Use the narrow strip to polish the gingival aspects of the interproximal area without doing soft tissue damage

Additional information

Country of Origin



Coarse/Medium, Fine/Superfine


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