Da Vinci Resin Cement

Categories: , Brand: Cosmedent
Product attributes
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Shade: Bright, Brighter, Brightest, Clear, Ludicrous Bright
  • Weight: 3g

Resin cements designed for ultra-white porcelain veneers.

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  • Posted by Biodent Medical
  • Posted by Biodent Medical
    This product will be supplied and ready for processing after the time specified by the seller in Biodent Medical warehouse and will be sent by Biodent Medical courier in the selected period.

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Product Overview

da vinci resin cements are designed for use with ultra-white porcelain veneers. These uniquely formulated resin cements come in 4 ultra-bright shades and a clear shade. They have a viscosity that is easy to work with, easy to seat and easy to cleanup.   (3 grams each, plus 3 tips – white)


  • Designed for use with ultra-white porcelain veneers
  • Quick and easy chairside adjustments are possible with da Vinci resin cements
  • Easy to seat and cleanup
  • Ideal viscosity
  • 5 color-coordinate try-in gels to simplify shade matching

Indications for Use

  • Light-cure cementation of porcelain veneers

Additional information

Country of Origin



Bright, Brighter, Brightest, Clear, Ludicrous Bright




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