Insure Resin Cement

Categories: , Brand: Cosmedent
Product attributes
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Shade: Clear, Yellow Red Light
  • Weight: 3g

These resin cements are rated #1 for veneers, inlays, onlays and crowns.

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  • Posted by Biodent Medical
  • Posted by Biodent Medical
    This product will be supplied and ready for processing after the time specified by the seller in Biodent Medical warehouse and will be sent by Biodent Medical courier in the selected period.

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Product Overview

Insure resin cements have over 15 years of reliable performance and top ratings by the major dental materials advisories. This versatile resin cement system allows you to cement in veneers, inlays, onlays, crowns, metal and posts & cores with complete predictability. Insure features easy setting and cleanup, a choice of two viscosities, and a wide color range for predictable chairside adjustments. Insure can be made dual-cure for inlays, onlays and crowns with the addition of Insure simulcure catalyst.


  • #1 rated resin cement for more than 15 years
  • Choice of two viscosities- Insure Regular (medium firm) and Insure Lite (thin and flowable)
  • Widest range of color versatility of any system
  • Insure Clear is the clearest cement on the market
  • Light-cure and dual-cure with the addition of Insure Simulcure Catalyst
  • Easy clean-up and excellent delivery
  • Radiopaque

Indications for Use

  • Cementation of ceramic veneers
  • Cementation of ceramic or composite crowns, inlays, onlays and bridges

Additional information

Country of Origin



Clear, Yellow Red Light




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