Renamel Flowable Microfill

Categories: , Brand: Cosmedent
Product attributes
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Shade: A1, B1
  • Weight: 3g

Choose Renamel Flowable Microfill for shallow composite repairs.

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  • Posted by Biodent Medical
  • Posted by Biodent Medical
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Product Overview

Use Renamel Flowable Microfill for composite repairs and sealing margins in small restorations. Renamel Flowable Microfill exhibits great fluorescence, excellent handling, and low porosity. It is perfectly matched to the classic VITA shade guide and the rest of the Renamel Restorative System to make composite repairs and sealing margins fast and easy.


  • Top rated flowable composite for quick and simple repairs
  • Lowest porosity (.3) helps to eliminate voids
  • Fluoresces like tooth structure
  • Polishes to a high shine
  • Color matched to the Classic VITA shade guide for quick and easy shade selection

Indications for Use

  • Seal margins
  • Small occlusal and lingual restorations
  • Repair marginal defects
  • Repair pitted areas in existing restorations
  • Seal pit and fissures
  • Use in conjunction with Body Renamel Microfill in Shallow Class V restorations

Additional information

Country of Origin



A1, B1




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