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Ribbond Wetting Resin
Product attributes
- Country of Origin: USA
- Volume: 5ml
- No alcohol, no organic solvents, primers, or acidic monomers
- Unfilled resin for optimized fiber bonding
- Works with all light and dual-cure resins
Biodent Guaranty
In Biodent Stock
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- Posted by Biodent Medical
- Posted by Biodent MedicalThis product will be supplied and ready for processing after the time specified by the seller in Biodent Medical warehouse and will be sent by Biodent Medical courier in the selected period.
One of the first steps in using Ribbond is to wet the Ribbond with a plain unfilled enamel bonding resin. Most one bottle bonding resins contain organic solvents, dentin primers, or self-etchants (these types of resins should not be used to wet the Ribbond). Use your favorite bonding system to bond to tooth structure but wet the Ribband with a enamel bonding resin that does not contain solvents, primers and etchants. If your office does not have a suitable enamel bonding resin, try Ribbond Wetting Resin.
Additional information
Country of Origin | USA |
Volume | 5ml |
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